With the FIFA World Cup 2014 in full swing. Today I have another World Cup related post to share with you.
Are you good at recognising the flags of different countries? Well here is your chance to impress. This spreadsheet contains the flags of all 32 countries participating in the FIFA World Cup 2014. Your task is to name them.
Download the World Cup Flags Quiz spreadsheet.

What Excel techniques will I learn?
Learning the flags of different countries around the world is just the icing on the cake. Download this spreadsheet and check it out to also see these Excel techniques in action.
- The SUMPRODUCT function used to calculate how many correct answers.
- The CONCATENATE function to create the score found in the top right corner of the spreadsheet.
- Displaying happy and unhappy faces using the IF function dependent upon correct, or incorrect answers.
- Conditional Formatting to make the happy faces green.
- Data Validation to create the drop down lists.
Will be studying the spreadsheet shortly