Think you know your Christmas movies? Why not try this Christmas movie quiz.
There are 20 movies to recognise from a picture. Select the film from the list below the picture. A running total is kept at the top of the sheet.
Download the Christmas movie quiz spreadsheet.
This spreadsheet can be unprotected as there is no password and the inner workings explored for learning.
Some of the Excel features used in the creating of this spreadsheet include;
- Data Validation to create the list of films to select from.
- Conditional Formatting to display the green tick or red cross if your answer was correct or not.
- An IF function is used to determine if the answer is correct or not.
- A COUNTIF function is used to create the running total in cell A1. This is then concatenated to create the text you see showing how many you have right, and how many are remaining.
- Data is stored on a hidden sheet. This has also been protected.
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